Monday, June 22, 2009

the H1N1 results are out.
we ARE NOT getting our extra one week extension of holidays:(
this is bad, like really bad.
an extra week is very useful for ppl like me who needs to chiong her homework and revision!

went to JE Library with Chyeling today.
went there before 10 and it was already filled with like 20-30 ppl, standing infont of the door.
it totally looks like the scenes in dramas whereby all the "oba-sangs" will be very kiasu outside the supermarket door, waiting to chiong in to grab the supermarket's greatest deal.
i was amazed by the scene, like seriously.

got our seats pretty soon.
started studying geog while listening to songs!;)
met lotsa crescentians in JE.
everyone chiong-ing to study~!

both of us studied really hard, silently.
it was also very coincidental wherby both of us listened to the same song when we are studying despite not telling the other party to do so.
and the song is 张芸京-你飞吧 !!!
i love this song now after listening to upteen times to 黑裙子and 让我照顾你!
personal favourite now!:)

there are also times when our minds get really saturated with work.
so we watch a few vids to relax a bit.
we watched 恋のABO by NEWS and One Drop by KAT-TUN!
both are nice MVs!!!

times flies and it was around 5 plus when we left the library to cd-rama before heading back home tgt!

we were like searching through the various albums when chyeling found sth.
to us, both shocking.
she found NEWS 恋のABO singles lying on the racks, hiding behind some unknown jpop singer.
both of us got really high!
we totally did not expect cd-rama would bring in their newest singles!!!

the best part is that it is not expensive:)
its like only 15.90!
which includes 3 songs and video clips from their Winter Diamond Party in Tokyo Dome.
immediately, we bought the albums!
we are really curious to find wad the lyricsbook looks like, so we started unwrapping the albums on the way back home.

the pictures looked awesome~
and it is really sweeeet of them to put the chinese version and romaji lyrics.
the previous album, pacific, did not have the romanji version lor:(
really satisfied with our find:)
bus-ed home really happy!

watching the videos now!
some of them are really cute.
its just a pity that all the clips are not subbed:(
so i dunno what are they talking:X
loading the subbed version on youtube now.

oh mans, this is actually the 3rd post for today!
bye ppl!

Tag Replies:
Amanda: 让我照顾你 is definitely nice! but you should re-listen 你飞吧 instead! It is awesome!

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